Monday, May 24, 2010

Homemade Pickles and a Memorial Day Menu

Most of us will fire up the grill this weekend as we celebrate Memorial Day with friends and family. In case you're hosting a get together and need a little inspiration, I've provided a fabulous, organic menu with some of my recipes from the last few months. You may note the addition of the homemade pickles. I enjoyed preparing these pickles with my daughter the other day and when I bit into the first crunchy-salty bite, I decided they're the perfect addition to any barbeque (they also make a great hostess gift).  The recipe is so simple, I don't know why I haven't made them before! 

Homemade Pickles

So give some friends a call, fire-up the grill, and enjoy a great meal as we all remember those who fought and perished for our freedom.

Homemade Pickles
Makes 6 pickles

1 quart-sized mason jar with lid
6 pickling cucumbers, or small cucumbers
3 sprigs fresh dill
1 tablespoon sea salt (Celtic Sea Salt is my favorite)

Put cucumbers and dill in the mason jar.  Pour enough water into jar to just cover the cucumbers.  Add salt.  Screw lid on tightly and gently shake the jar until the salt has dissolved.  Place in a dark, cool spot for 3 days until "pickled".  After 3 days, store in the refrigerator and serve cold.


  1. I love homemade pickles,your photos look amazing!

  2. I have never made pickles. I am adding it to my "to do" summer list.

  3. Those sound great! My dad makes homemade pickles from his own homegrown cucumbers, and they are fantastic! There is nothing like homemade pickles - none of the grocery ones compare in the slightest!

  4. such gorgeous pictures of the pickles, i bet they are super tasty too. its nice how the simple addition of the label makes the jar look so much more special!

  5. I luuuv those photos! Beautiful.

  6. Just made the pickles a few minutes ago. Can't wait to find out in a few days how yummy they are! I made 2 jars and am giving 1 to a friend as a house warming present, I figure a creative gift as opposed to wine. BTW, I'm friends with your cousin Allison who lives in Virginia...she suggested your blog to me. ;-)

  7. Thanks for the inspiration and the recipe! I bought pickling cukes at the farmer's market this morning...and I bought a dill plant, but unfortunately laid it down and left it there! Can't wait to get more dill and try these!
